“De Broadway a Hollywood” in Seville
“De Broadway a Hollywood” is a concert in aid of Asociación Nacional AFAR. They are based in my hometown, Alcalá de Guadaíra, in Seville and I always try and support them as they do a great job with people who live difficult times through no fault of their own.
We did a concert back in 2019 in Alcalá de Guadaíra, I played piano and many friends came to sing and support the cause - we sold over 1000 tickets and raised an important amount of money for them and, what’s most important, awareness of the work they do in our town and Seville.
On this occasion 4 amazing voices from Musical Theatre, (Bradley Jaden, Louise Dearman, Gerónimo Rauch and Jeremy Secomb) regulars in the West End in London, will join the ROSS (Royal Symphony Orchestra in Seville) in a programme that will take us on a journey from the old classic Broadway tunes to the most recent Hollywood musical movies of our time.
RED Teatro Musical and Asociación TomaTeatro will collaborate with a choir of 30+ and Víctor Conde will do the staging.
Nic Gray is the sound designer for the event which will take place at Cartuja Center CITE in Seville on May 17th at 20:00h